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What is a Biokineticist?

A Biokineticist is a medical professional that specialises in rehabilitation of injuries and chronic conditions. Biokineticists function in a multidisciplinary team with other health practitioners/professionals such as Specialist Physicians, Doctors, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists.


                           What does a Biokineticist do ? 


  • A Biokineticist improves an individual’s physical health status and quality of life through individualised and specialised exercise prescriptions.

  • Biokineticists are capable of working in many different areas including rehabilitation of pathology/injury, health promotion, as well as performance enhancement.

  • A Biokineticist has two primary roles. 1) Scientific assessment and 2) Clinical Exercise prescription.

  • A Biokineticist is qualified to evaluate and measure: body posture, body composition, blood pressure, conduct an Electro Cardiogram , physical fitness, muscle strengthening , endurance, mobility, proprioception as well as other health screenings.


                        Biokinetics Association of South Africa 


For more information about Biokinetics or BASA follow the link : 




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